

Fall23 Barry Grant Bioinformatics

View the Project on GitHub delisaramos/BGGN213


DAR, pID: A69026881 <- "~/Desktop/WisconsinCancer.csv"
wisc.df <- read.csv(, row.names = 1)

── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
✔ dplyr     1.1.3     ✔ readr     2.1.4
✔ forcats   1.0.0     ✔ stringr   1.5.1
✔ ggplot2   3.4.4     ✔ tibble    3.2.1
✔ lubridate 1.9.3     ✔ tidyr     1.3.0
✔ purrr     1.0.2     
── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
✖ dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()
ℹ Use the conflicted package (<>) to force all conflicts to become errors
         diagnosis radius_mean texture_mean perimeter_mean area_mean
842302           M       17.99        10.38         122.80    1001.0
842517           M       20.57        17.77         132.90    1326.0
84300903         M       19.69        21.25         130.00    1203.0
84348301         M       11.42        20.38          77.58     386.1
84358402         M       20.29        14.34         135.10    1297.0
843786           M       12.45        15.70          82.57     477.1
         smoothness_mean compactness_mean concavity_mean concave.points_mean
842302           0.11840          0.27760         0.3001             0.14710
842517           0.08474          0.07864         0.0869             0.07017
84300903         0.10960          0.15990         0.1974             0.12790
84348301         0.14250          0.28390         0.2414             0.10520
84358402         0.10030          0.13280         0.1980             0.10430
843786           0.12780          0.17000         0.1578             0.08089
         symmetry_mean fractal_dimension_mean radius_se texture_se perimeter_se
842302          0.2419                0.07871    1.0950     0.9053        8.589
842517          0.1812                0.05667    0.5435     0.7339        3.398
84300903        0.2069                0.05999    0.7456     0.7869        4.585
84348301        0.2597                0.09744    0.4956     1.1560        3.445
84358402        0.1809                0.05883    0.7572     0.7813        5.438
843786          0.2087                0.07613    0.3345     0.8902        2.217
         area_se smoothness_se compactness_se concavity_se concave.points_se
842302    153.40      0.006399        0.04904      0.05373           0.01587
842517     74.08      0.005225        0.01308      0.01860           0.01340
84300903   94.03      0.006150        0.04006      0.03832           0.02058
84348301   27.23      0.009110        0.07458      0.05661           0.01867
84358402   94.44      0.011490        0.02461      0.05688           0.01885
843786     27.19      0.007510        0.03345      0.03672           0.01137
         symmetry_se fractal_dimension_se radius_worst texture_worst
842302       0.03003             0.006193        25.38         17.33
842517       0.01389             0.003532        24.99         23.41
84300903     0.02250             0.004571        23.57         25.53
84348301     0.05963             0.009208        14.91         26.50
84358402     0.01756             0.005115        22.54         16.67
843786       0.02165             0.005082        15.47         23.75
         perimeter_worst area_worst smoothness_worst compactness_worst
842302            184.60     2019.0           0.1622            0.6656
842517            158.80     1956.0           0.1238            0.1866
84300903          152.50     1709.0           0.1444            0.4245
84348301           98.87      567.7           0.2098            0.8663
84358402          152.20     1575.0           0.1374            0.2050
843786            103.40      741.6           0.1791            0.5249
         concavity_worst concave.points_worst symmetry_worst
842302            0.7119               0.2654         0.4601
842517            0.2416               0.1860         0.2750
84300903          0.4504               0.2430         0.3613
84348301          0.6869               0.2575         0.6638
84358402          0.4000               0.1625         0.2364
843786            0.5355               0.1741         0.3985
842302                   0.11890
842517                   0.08902
84300903                 0.08758
84348301                 0.17300
84358402                 0.07678
843786                   0.12440
M <- wisc.df %>% filter(diagnosis=="M") <- wisc.df[,-1]

diagnosis <- as.factor(wisc.df$diagnosis)

col_names <- grep("mean", colnames(
 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

Q1: How many observations are in this dataset? - 569 observations

Q2: How many of the observations have a malignant diagnosis? - 212

Q3: How many variables/features in the data are suffixed with _mean? - 10

            radius_mean            texture_mean          perimeter_mean 
           1.412729e+01            1.928965e+01            9.196903e+01 
              area_mean         smoothness_mean        compactness_mean 
           6.548891e+02            9.636028e-02            1.043410e-01 
         concavity_mean     concave.points_mean           symmetry_mean 
           8.879932e-02            4.891915e-02            1.811619e-01 
 fractal_dimension_mean               radius_se              texture_se 
           6.279761e-02            4.051721e-01            1.216853e+00 
           perimeter_se                 area_se           smoothness_se 
           2.866059e+00            4.033708e+01            7.040979e-03 
         compactness_se            concavity_se       concave.points_se 
           2.547814e-02            3.189372e-02            1.179614e-02 
            symmetry_se    fractal_dimension_se            radius_worst 
           2.054230e-02            3.794904e-03            1.626919e+01 
          texture_worst         perimeter_worst              area_worst 
           2.567722e+01            1.072612e+02            8.805831e+02 
       smoothness_worst       compactness_worst         concavity_worst 
           1.323686e-01            2.542650e-01            2.721885e-01 
   concave.points_worst          symmetry_worst fractal_dimension_worst 
           1.146062e-01            2.900756e-01            8.394582e-02 
            radius_mean            texture_mean          perimeter_mean 
           3.524049e+00            4.301036e+00            2.429898e+01 
              area_mean         smoothness_mean        compactness_mean 
           3.519141e+02            1.406413e-02            5.281276e-02 
         concavity_mean     concave.points_mean           symmetry_mean 
           7.971981e-02            3.880284e-02            2.741428e-02 
 fractal_dimension_mean               radius_se              texture_se 
           7.060363e-03            2.773127e-01            5.516484e-01 
           perimeter_se                 area_se           smoothness_se 
           2.021855e+00            4.549101e+01            3.002518e-03 
         compactness_se            concavity_se       concave.points_se 
           1.790818e-02            3.018606e-02            6.170285e-03 
            symmetry_se    fractal_dimension_se            radius_worst 
           8.266372e-03            2.646071e-03            4.833242e+00 
          texture_worst         perimeter_worst              area_worst 
           6.146258e+00            3.360254e+01            5.693570e+02 
       smoothness_worst       compactness_worst         concavity_worst 
           2.283243e-02            1.573365e-01            2.086243e-01 
   concave.points_worst          symmetry_worst fractal_dimension_worst 
           6.573234e-02            6.186747e-02            1.806127e-02 <- prcomp(, scale=T)
Importance of components:
                          PC1    PC2     PC3     PC4     PC5     PC6     PC7
Standard deviation     3.6444 2.3857 1.67867 1.40735 1.28403 1.09880 0.82172
Proportion of Variance 0.4427 0.1897 0.09393 0.06602 0.05496 0.04025 0.02251
Cumulative Proportion  0.4427 0.6324 0.72636 0.79239 0.84734 0.88759 0.91010
                           PC8    PC9    PC10   PC11    PC12    PC13    PC14
Standard deviation     0.69037 0.6457 0.59219 0.5421 0.51104 0.49128 0.39624
Proportion of Variance 0.01589 0.0139 0.01169 0.0098 0.00871 0.00805 0.00523
Cumulative Proportion  0.92598 0.9399 0.95157 0.9614 0.97007 0.97812 0.98335
                          PC15    PC16    PC17    PC18    PC19    PC20   PC21
Standard deviation     0.30681 0.28260 0.24372 0.22939 0.22244 0.17652 0.1731
Proportion of Variance 0.00314 0.00266 0.00198 0.00175 0.00165 0.00104 0.0010
Cumulative Proportion  0.98649 0.98915 0.99113 0.99288 0.99453 0.99557 0.9966
                          PC22    PC23   PC24    PC25    PC26    PC27    PC28
Standard deviation     0.16565 0.15602 0.1344 0.12442 0.09043 0.08307 0.03987
Proportion of Variance 0.00091 0.00081 0.0006 0.00052 0.00027 0.00023 0.00005
Cumulative Proportion  0.99749 0.99830 0.9989 0.99942 0.99969 0.99992 0.99997
                          PC29    PC30
Standard deviation     0.02736 0.01153
Proportion of Variance 0.00002 0.00000
Cumulative Proportion  1.00000 1.00000

Q4: From your results, what proportion of the originial variance is captured by the first principal components (PC1)? - 44.27%

Q5: How many principal components (PCs) are required to describe at least 70% of the original variance in the data? - 3 principal components

Q6: How many PCs are required to describe at least 90% of the original variance in the data? - 7 principal components


Q7: What stands out to you about this plot? Is it easy or difficult to understand? Why? - It is very convoluted and difficult to understand.

plot($x, col= diagnosis, 
     xlab = "PC1", ylab="PC2")

Q8: Generate a similar plot for principal components 1 and 3. What do you notice about these plots? - They look awfully similar. However, PC2 accounts for more variation (i.e. the points are more spread out across the y axis), relative to PC3.

plot($x[,1],$x[,3], col = diagnosis, 
     xlab = "PC1", ylab = "PC3")

df <-$x)
ggplot(df, aes(PC1, PC2, col= diagnosis)) +

pr.var <-$sdev^2
 [1] 1.328161e+01 5.691355e+00 2.817949e+00 1.980640e+00 1.648731e+00
 [6] 1.207357e+00 6.752201e-01 4.766171e-01 4.168948e-01 3.506935e-01
[11] 2.939157e-01 2.611614e-01 2.413575e-01 1.570097e-01 9.413497e-02
[16] 7.986280e-02 5.939904e-02 5.261878e-02 4.947759e-02 3.115940e-02
[21] 2.997289e-02 2.743940e-02 2.434084e-02 1.805501e-02 1.548127e-02
[26] 8.177640e-03 6.900464e-03 1.589338e-03 7.488031e-04 1.330448e-04
pve <- pr.var/sum(pr.var)
 [1] 4.427203e-01 1.897118e-01 9.393163e-02 6.602135e-02 5.495768e-02
 [6] 4.024522e-02 2.250734e-02 1.588724e-02 1.389649e-02 1.168978e-02
[11] 9.797190e-03 8.705379e-03 8.045250e-03 5.233657e-03 3.137832e-03
[16] 2.662093e-03 1.979968e-03 1.753959e-03 1.649253e-03 1.038647e-03
[21] 9.990965e-04 9.146468e-04 8.113613e-04 6.018336e-04 5.160424e-04
[26] 2.725880e-04 2.300155e-04 5.297793e-05 2.496010e-05 4.434827e-06
plot(pve, xlab="Principal Component", 
     ylab="Proportion of Variance Explained",
     ylim=c(0,1), type="o")

barplot(pve, ylab="Percent of Variance Explained", 
        names.arg=paste0("PC", 1: length(pve)), las=2, axes=F)
axis(2, at=pve, labels=round(pve,2)*100)

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fviz_eig(, addlabels=T)$rotation["concave.points_mean", 1]
[1] -0.2608538

Q9: For the first principal component, what is the component of the loading vector for the feature concave.points_mean? This tells us how much this original feature contributes to the first PC. - -0.26, which is a negative contribution to the first principal component.

data.scaled <- scale(
data.dist <- dist(data.scaled)
wisc.hclust <- hclust(data.dist, method="complete")

abline(h=19, col="red", lty=2)

wisc.hclust.clusters <- cutree(wisc.hclust, h=19)
table(wisc.hclust.clusters, diagnosis)
wisc.hclust.clusters   B   M
                   1  12 165
                   2   2   5
                   3 343  40
                   4   0   2
wisc.hclust.single <- hclust(data.dist, method="single")
abline(h=19, col="red", lty=2)

wisc.hclust.clusters.single <- cutree(wisc.hclust.single, k=4)

wisc.hclust.avg <- hclust(data.dist, method="average")
abline(h=19, col="red", lty=2)

wisc.hclust.clusters.avg <- cutree(wisc.hclust.avg, k=4)

wisc.hclust.ward <- hclust(data.dist, method="ward.D2")
abline(h=19, col="red", lty=2)

Q10: Using the plot() and abline() functions, what is the height at which the clustering model has 4 clusters? - height of 19

Q12: Which method gives your favorite results for the same ‘data.dist’ dataset? Explain your reasoning. - The Ward.D2 method looks cleanest. The resulting cladogram looks the most spread out, compared to the other ones.

data.dist.pca <- dist($x[,1:7]) <- hclust(data.dist.pca, method="ward.D2")
wisc.hclust.clusters.ward <- cutree(, k=4)

grps <- cutree(, k=2)
  1   2 
216 353 
table(grps, diagnosis)
grps   B   M
   1  28 188
   2 329  24
plot($x[,1:2], col=grps)

plot($x[,1:2], col=diagnosis)

g <- as.factor(grps)
[1] "1" "2"
g <- relevel(g,2)
[1] "2" "1"
plot($x[,1:2], col=g)


plot3d($x[,1:3], xlab="PC 1", ylab="PC 2", zlab="PC 3", cex=1.5, size=1, type="s", col=grps)
data.dist.pca <- dist($x[,1:7]) <- hclust(data.dist.pca, method="ward.D2") <- cutree(, k=2)

table(, diagnosis)
                       diagnosis   B   M
                      1  28 188
                      2 329  24
  B   M 
357 212 

Q13: How well does the newly created model with four clusters separate out the two diagnosis? - Using the hclust() with method=“complete”, this separates out the two diagnosis pretty well. The majority of benign and malignant diagnosis were correctly separated out. Using method=“ward.D2” does not do a good job of separating out benign vs malignant. Methods “single” and “average” do not separate out benign and malignant at all.

table(wisc.hclust.clusters, diagnosis)
wisc.hclust.clusters   B   M
                   1  12 165
                   2   2   5
                   3 343  40
                   4   0   2
table(wisc.hclust.clusters.ward, diagnosis)
wisc.hclust.clusters.ward   B   M
                        1   0  45
                        2   2  77
                        3  26  66
                        4 329  24
table(wisc.hclust.clusters.single, diagnosis)
wisc.hclust.clusters.single   B   M
                          1 356 209
                          2   1   0
                          3   0   2
                          4   0   1
table(wisc.hclust.clusters.avg, diagnosis)
wisc.hclust.clusters.avg   B   M
                       1 355 209
                       2   2   0
                       3   0   1
                       4   0   2

Q14: How well do the hierarchical clustering models you created in previous sections (i.e. before PCA) do in terms of separating the diagnosis? - I think this is worse at separating out the two diseases. Cluster 1 has 12 malignant cases that are misclassified at begign while Cluster 3 has 40 benign cases that are misclassified as malignant.

url <- ""
new <- read.csv(url)
npc <- predict(, newdata=new)
           PC1       PC2        PC3        PC4       PC5        PC6        PC7
[1,]  2.576616 -3.135913  1.3990492 -0.7631950  2.781648 -0.8150185 -0.3959098
[2,] -4.754928 -3.009033 -0.1660946 -0.6052952 -1.140698 -1.2189945  0.8193031
            PC8       PC9       PC10      PC11      PC12      PC13     PC14
[1,] -0.2307350 0.1029569 -0.9272861 0.3411457  0.375921 0.1610764 1.187882
[2,] -0.3307423 0.5281896 -0.4855301 0.7173233 -1.185917 0.5893856 0.303029
          PC15       PC16        PC17        PC18        PC19       PC20
[1,] 0.3216974 -0.1743616 -0.07875393 -0.11207028 -0.08802955 -0.2495216
[2,] 0.1299153  0.1448061 -0.40509706  0.06565549  0.25591230 -0.4289500
           PC21       PC22       PC23       PC24        PC25         PC26
[1,]  0.1228233 0.09358453 0.08347651  0.1223396  0.02124121  0.078884581
[2,] -0.1224776 0.01732146 0.06316631 -0.2338618 -0.20755948 -0.009833238
             PC27        PC28         PC29         PC30
[1,]  0.220199544 -0.02946023 -0.015620933  0.005269029
[2,] -0.001134152  0.09638361  0.002795349 -0.019015820
plot($x[,1:2], col=g)
points(npc[,1], npc[,2], col="blue", pch=16, cex=3)
text(npc[,1], npc[,2], c(1,2), col="white")

Q16: Which of these new patients should we prioritize for follow up based on your results? - Prioritize patient 2 for follow up because they have malignant cancer.